Rhode Island Free Clinic
Health Care Services
Normal Business
Monday & Wednesday: 8am-5pm
Tuesday & Thursday: 8am-9pm
Friday: 8am-12pm
Driving Directions:
The Rhode Island Free Clinic in Providence, RI located at 655 Broad St, between St. Joseph's Hospital and Gallogly Funeral home. A parking lot is available in the front to all patients and visitors.
About Us
The Rhode Island Free Clinic provides comprehensive and high-quality health care services to the uninsured and serves as an educational training site for aspiring health care professionals. For over 25 years, the Clinic has expanded access to care for Rhode Islanders who have the least ability to find it and continues to treat growing numbers of patients. We provide vital, comprehensive healthcare services for vulnerable patients who would otherwise have no access to healthcare. The RI Free Clinic serves between 1,500 and 2,000 patients each year in approximately 8,000 visits. All Free Clinic patients are uninsured, low-income adults (age 18+) residents of Rhode Island; RIFC patients earn an annual income less than $27,180. Our goals are to ensure that every uninsured Rhode Islander has access to healthcare and to inspire future generations to provide kind, compassionate, and inclusive care.

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