Local Experts Speak About What's Next for Child Care Amid Rhode Island's Reopening
Blog contribution by one of the Chamber's newest members: Michelle McCue, President, McCue Public Relations
What is the state of child care in Rhode Island as a result of COVID-19?
In Episode 55 of "GPCC TV," we offer a thought-provoking panel discussion on the child care landscape in light of both the shutdowns and recent statewide reopenings.
We recently welcomed as panel guests: Caitlin Molina, State Administrator for Child Care of the RI Department of Human Services; Bailey Kent, President and CEO of The Children’s Workshop; and Rachel Flum, J.D., Executive Director of The Economic Progress Institute.
During this episode, the panel discusses challenges faced while developing a re-opening strategy, regulations for safety, and updates in child care facility policies and operations. These new procedures were put in place following statewide reopenings that began Monday, June 1.
Find out what’s in store for the future of child care and how Rhode Island’s policies are helping to lead and shape the nation’s path forward.
With the closures of licensed child care facilities in mid-March, the major underlying issues facing child care throughout the state and the entire country truly came to light. Parents in the workforce have been left scrambling to juggle work and day-time child care. Most were forced to juggle a new work-from-home schedule and not just caring for, but also educating their children.
While the extra time with family during the crisis has been both a blessing and a challenge, “child care is critical to the working economy of the state,” says Rachel Flum. "Without proper child care, the infrastructure of the workforce has halted. This crisis has made it clear that a serious investment in child care, both by the state and federal government, is not only an investment in the current workforce but also a solid investment in the future workforce."