A Conversation with Providence Schools Superintendent Harrison Peters

A Conversation with Providence Schools Superintendent Harrison Peters

Chamber President Laurie White caught up with Harrison Peters, Superintendent of the Providence Public School District, earlier today to discuss how the schools pivoted around the pandemic, the outlook for a return to school in the fall, students response to the death of George Floyd and plans for the district moving forward.
Highlights include:
  • Transportation, social distancing and safety for students, families and staff are all key considerations for reopening school in the fall. 
  • Families should know what the new school year will look like by the first week of July. The plan will likely include a number of scenarios depending on the public health realities when the school year begins.
  • The Providence Public Schools turnaround plan, due to be released this week, will need the collective support from the community and will include professional development and workforce diversity as key elements.

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